Hello World! :)
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Hello and welcome to our blog. This is my very first post, so I am a little bit nervous. First of all I work at an amazing Pet Grooming Salon.
Here’s a link to our website so that you can see who we are and what we do. I will be writing about everything and anything that our business deals with. We will welcome any feedback from customers, potential customers, even other people that are in the Pet Grooming Industry, Vets and obviously all animal lovers.
Just a polite request, should you disagree with anything thing that we may say, please keep it clean.
I am not the best writer, but I am an avid reader. I obviously have a specific genre I enjoy to read (no its not Mills and Boon), but every now and then I like to read something that’s not part of that genre. And that’s where Cats in May by Doreen Tovey comes in. As a cat owner I can fully relate to the antics, and the idiosyncrasies of a cat. I really enjoyed her book. If anyone has read her books, or has read something of a similar nature please let me know.