Aromatherapy massages for your pet

Aromatherapy massages for your pet At Pet Universe, our loving and caring groomers love to pamper pets in our Pet Beauty Salon. Fifty-Cent, a miniature poodle, received one of our extra special Aromatherapy Massages, using Pet Esthe, specially designed aesthetic aromatic oils. We offer a large selection of special treatments for any pet. Our lady masseuses, who work at Pet Universe, are always kind and gentle. Their professional massage techniques will leave your pet feeling invigorated and refreshed. To make the whole experience just a    Read More...

To dye, or not to dye?

To dye, or not to dye? Colouring your dog’s fur seems to be a subject that some people say yes to and some say a very big no, and even celebrities are dyeing their dogs. I think the big question is, can it harm your pet? If you use people hair colour then yes. But there are many products out there that are specifically made just for dogs. We use Pet Esthe and it is 100% safe to use on dogs. So why do it? Just    Read More...

Tis the season to be jolly!

Tis the season to be jolly! Every year, for the past 3 years, I’ve been threatening to leave the Christmas tree in its box. (yes, I have fake one, save the planet I say) It’s not that I don’t like Christmas, actually I love it. But I get a strange feeling that Phoebe is maybe a bit anti-Christmas. Our first Christmas with her and her first experience with all the lights, tinsel and common decorations that go on a tree. The following morning when I came    Read More...

Japanese students visit Pet Universe Cat and Dog Grooming Salon

Japanese students visit Pet Universe Cat and Dog Grooming Salon Have you recently visited our grooming salon? On Thursday the 27th November 2012, Local business in Redbridge Borough, Pet Universe Cat and Dog Grooming Salon, was visited by 30 Japanese students, who are taking classes in pet grooming. Pet Universe was contacted by Erika at “Miki Travel” querying the possibility to come and visit the salon, to provide the students the opportunity to learn new skills and see the differences between pet grooming in Japan and the UK. Svetlana Broussova    Read More...

Hello World! :)

Hello World! :) Hello and welcome to our blog. This is my very first post, so I am a little bit nervous. First of all I work at an amazing Pet Grooming Salon. Here’s a link to our website so that you can see who we are and what we do. I will be writing about everything and anything that our business deals with. We will welcome any feedback from customers, potential customers, even other people that are in the Pet Grooming Industry,    Read More...