Colour Restoration System

Teddy’s story
At Wild-Side we photograph and licence images of small domestic animals for display on retail products, for a range of international licensors. We needed images of a Pomeranian puppy for use in the USA, right at the beginning of 2012, when pups were really hard to find. The brief was for a golden pup, which made it even more difficult. We found an adorable white Pom pup, with the perfect temperament, but we knew from experience that even Photoshop was not really going to help us here.
Then a moment of inspiration! If anyone could help us it would be Svetlana and Pet Universe. We purchased the pup and within a week he was a beautiful golden colour and perfectly groomed. He looked fantastic, a star in the making!
Job done, with no stress for either puppy or us. Now Teddy is back to his beautiful white original coat and he is now a permanent member of our family. This spring he will be photographed again, with a new look.
Where will he be going for this, Pet Universe of course!
Bob Elsdale
Wild-Side Brands Ltd

Henry after his colour restoration
The “ageing effect” that occurs in pets as they grow older leads to among other things – graying hair, a loss of luster and a change in the coat colour. As a result of which, the beautiful colouring that was originally a feature of the pet’s coat is lost.
The Pet Esthé Colour Restoration System is a revolutionary new pet rejuvenation esthetic product that works to restore the original colouring of coat that faded due to such things as ageing and ultraviolet rays, bringing out to the maximum the pet’s natural charm and maintaining its youthful appearance.
In human esthetics technology, the skin treatment means rejuvenating the skin condition such as rejuvenating the skin, removing crow’s feet, and whitening the skin. In pets, the skin is hidden under the coat, so even if the skin condition is improved, the pet does not look rejuvenated.
Pets cannot be rejuvenated without rejuvenating their coats. This is the difference between pets and humans. Of course, the hidden skin is also very important, so with products from the Pet Esthé Special Care System, we aim to rejuvenate the coat and the skin at the same time.
General pet rejuvenation is administered in combination with a number of separate treatments such as Colour Restoration System, Aromatherapy System, and Thalassotherapy System.
Example of Colour Restoration Treatment We Carrying Out
We offer colour restoration services.
Please feel free to WhatsApp us at 07825 882 028 for a personalised quote.